Sunny, Warm Weather Provided Pleasant Conditions For Fox Hunt
You couldn't ask for better weather conditions for outdoor activities, and the PVARC took full advantage by holding a fox hunt Saturday morning. Dan Musgrave, (WD8RMG), spearheaded the event by secretly hiding two low powered transmitters on the old Roswell Municipal Airport property adjacent from Cielo Grande. Both transmitted intermittent signals on 146.505 and 146.565 MHz. Participating hams were then summoned to the area to use their direction finding skills to hone in on the transmitters. Several techniques were used including pointing hand held 'tape measure' yagis in the directions where the signal was strongest.
After the hunt, all participants returned to club headquarters to enjoy a very delicious pot luck meal. The PVARC would like to thank all who participate throughout the year to make the club a success as we look forward to another great year.