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Babcock Announces New Repeater

During Friday's Yucca Two Meter Net, repeater owner Gary Babcock, W5GNB, announced that the machine used for the nightly net on 147.320 MHz was all new. The old repeater had suffered a series of ills over the years, so Gary decided it was time for a replacement. The Motorola CDM 1550 repeater is connected to a Decebel DB-24, (9db gain), with 1" Heliax feedline. The system uses a Telewave 6 can duplexer. The antenna is mounted 50' high on a telemetry tower on Comanche Hill.

The W5GNB repeater has long been a vital tool in ham communications across the Pecos Valley, especially since the decommissioning of the Caprock based repeater on 147.180 several years ago. The repeater is the primary machine for local ARES and Skywarn exercises and operations as well as the home of the nightly Yucca Two Meter Net which meets at 1900 hours. The repeater requires a 146.2 Hz CTCSS tone to access.

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