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Skywarn Training Returns To In-person Classes

Wednesday, April the 5th will see the first in-person Skywarn severe weather spotter classes in Roswell since the onset of COVID. Two like sessions beginning at 1:30 PM and 6:00 PM will be held at the Daniels Leadership Center located on the New Mexico Military Institute campus in Roswell. Access to the Center is from the 100 block of west 19th Street.

Skywarn in a joint program between the National Weather Service, Emergency Management, Amateur Radio Emergency Service and local public service agencies to train and better inform the public about identification and reporting severe weather conditions. Successful completion of a spotter class will equip one with a better understanding of what constitutes severe weather as well as a means of reporting ground truth observations to assist the weather service in the timely issuing of warnings. Post event conditions also help the weather service to identify the severity of the event, which also helps in the early warning process for future events.

Skywarn weather spotter classes are open to the public, are free of charge and do not require pre-registration. More information on the Skywarn spotter program can be seen here.

Entrance off West 19th Street to the DLC

Skywarn storm spotter class at the Daniels Leadership Center


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