Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club
Hams make contacts from the International UFO Museum and Research Center celebrating the 70th anniversary of the UFO Incident.
PVARC members assist the Chaves County Off Road Search and Rescue with monitoring the 2017 Milkman Triathlon.
New Mexico Mounted Patrol officer assists PVARC President Garry Blosser with the safe passage of runners.
Rey Riley, (N5ARR), cooking us up some grub.
Dan, (WD8RMG), shows Meredith, (KE5COL), some pointers on finding the 'fox'.
Club members enjoy some burgers and hotdogs after the fox hunt.
Hams practice their signal direction finding skills with fun events known as 'fox' hunts. Various methods are employed to find the location of a hidden transmitter with little more than a hand held radio and home made yagi antennas.
Jennifer Palucki of the Albuquerque National Weather Service teaches Roswell locals how to spot and report severe weather conditions.
Several PVARC members joined with the Chaves County Search & Rescue for an exercise.