Kid's Day a Big Deal For Artesia Ham Family
For two days out of the year, the amateur radio spotlight is on kids, and one area family makes it a joyous outing and opportunity to spend quality fun time together. Eight year old Katherine Lewis is a four year veteran with Kid's Day events. With Dad, Rix Lewis, (W5RDL), at her side, Katherine makes contacts from coast to coast in the United States as well as Canada and Montserrat Island in the Caribbean. By the days end, Katherine had logged 22 contacts on her dad's Icom IC-7100 using a trailer mounted Gap Titan DX 8 band antenna.
Katherine's mom Joyce told PVARC Vice President Jim Tucker that Katherine and her three year old sister Victoria worked the Santa Net during this past Christmas season. Katherine's plans are to obtain her amateur radio license in a couple of years making the Lewis' a three generation ham radio family. Supporting Katherine were her mother and father Joyce and Rix Lewis, uncle Tom Lewis, (N5TDL), and grandfather Tom Lewis Sr, (KG5ANO).
For more information on Kid's Day, follow this link.